Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Good morning Crafting Community.  Just stopped by too wish everyone a Happy, Happy New Year.  I hope you all had a great Christmas.  And received many gifts from friends and family.  I also wanted to let you know that I have added a new way for you to reach out to me in a personal way.

Below you will find a button that I have added for you.  So, when you are working on a project or just want to share an idea.  You can just push the button and you will be able to reach me.

Please upload you pics from the holidays so that we can see what you guys have been making.  There will be also a SWAPE coming up so keep checking back with me. As I am sure you know that Miss. Lane started the pocket letter idea and now everyone is putting one together.  Yes, me too.  I truly enjoy the process.  If you are interested in a pocket letter swape.  Then leave a comment down below with your contact information and I will reach out to you.

When you are working on a project or just thinking about a new project.  Then you can now pick up the phone and I will be glad to help you in any way that I can.

Remember, Keep Living the Crafting Life.

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