Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Learn How to Wear Your Head Wrap Once & for All!

Hello crafting friends and family.  Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit.  Please stay as long as you like.  For new visitors.  Make yourself at home.  To my friends and family of this blog.  Well, you guys know how we do it.  In my search for information to bring to you all.  Have you ever just run out of what to prepare for dinner each and every night?  Or you and your family of tired of eating the same old thing prepared the same old way night after night?  Well I have found this company that delivers each and every week.  It is called HelloFresh-US.  And what they offer is beautifully photographed step-by-step recipe cards right to your door.  These cards supply with the exact fresh ingredients needed to create a selection of new recipes.  And guess what?  Not that expensive.  Guy's, you can't beat this with an egg beater.  So, click on the banner below and check them out.  I did. And I tell you, I love the concept.  Please come back and let the rest of us know what you think.

Next, on the list. I have been working on an e-book for everyone who want's to know once and for all how to wear a head wrap.  Being the age that I am.  Head wraps were very popular back in the day.  I use to wear them all the time.  Even back then. I rocked a natural as I do today.  I loved to wear them when I wanted a different look.  The only problem that I found even then and so did many of my friends was that our heads would get so hot.  Being in the South with our Summers.  That can be very dangerous. But, Guess what?  I have the answer to that problem.  You will find it in my new e-book.  The title of the e-book is.  (I Want 2 Wrap).    I have pictures and step-by-step instructions on how to place the head wrap on your head.  Not only that. You all will be able to order your fabric that is the perfect fit for your head wrap and a little added bonus.  The fabric that my head wraps are created from is the type that let's your head breath and very little hair breakage.  However; the only way to order the Wrap-It!© is through the e-book. I only have a few more pictures to take and it will be ready to go on sale.  I will place the front cover of the e- book on my blog and how to place an order for it.  You will be able to pay for your copy of the e-book through PayPal using any major credit card, or debit card.  Or you can place your order by way of the USPS.  You will be able to pay with a personal check or money order.  So keep coming back and checking you guys.

You all remember that I told you I was blessed with a new grand baby.  Well, I have some pictures to share with all of you.  Her name is Katherine and she is now 4 months old.  Her mom Minister Emily (my daughter), is so excited to be a new mom.  She caters to her new daughter in such a way that when I see her enter act with Katherine.  I am reassured that she will give me the same patience and carrying when I can no longer take care of myself.  So, between writing the blog, putting out a newsletter once a month, taking and filling order's in my small home-based business my hands are pretty full.  But, she is a joy to me.  And I love having her with me everyday.  God has been good to me.  He has blessed me to live to see another generation come into this world.  I hope you guys enjoy meeting Katherine & her mom Minister Emily.   Enjoy!!

And remember, "Keep Living the Crafting Life."©

Hello world. I am Katherine and this is my mom Minister Emily.

Katherine is learning to set-up.

Here she is enjoying her bottle of formula.

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