Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Meet the Newest CSI !!

I know you all have been wondering where I have been? Well, I have been studying for my certification. Certification in what you maybe asking yourself? Well, while doing research I came across this website entitled Spotted Canary School. So, I said, "what is this." After going a little further. I learned that this was a school for Professional Crafter's. And, they also offer all different kinds of classes for beginner's to advanced crafter's to take. Well, you guys know me by now that I am going to dig until I find the ins and outs of a thing. Continuing on, I also learned that they are a part of EKSuccess Brands© of products. Now this was getting interesting too me. Once I discovered this I was in. There was a heading listed becoming an instructor. So, I clicked on it and filled out the online form. Well, a day or so later I received an email in my inbox inviting me to become certificated. I jumped at the chance to do this. Then the holiday's came and I did not get back to it until a few day's ago. I can gladly say that I passed making A's through out the course. Well, today, I received another email in my inbox stating that I was now an (SCI). These call letters stand for the following. Spotted Canary Instructor. The email also said that I can start teaching in my hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana when ever I find a venue. Now, let me explain to you all just what this mean. I will be representing EKSuccess Brands of products. I know that you all know the company. We see their present in all the craft stores throughout the country. I will be @ stores like Micheal's which is located in Hammond Arie. You will also be able to find me @ different churches, centers, women organizations throughout the Baton Rouge area and surrounding parishes. Now, you all who live in Louisiana know what this mean? We will finally get a chance to meet each other. I am so excited!! You all can go to this link and find out when my classes will be and where. And for you guys meaning men too are welcome can follow this link as well if you would like to become an instructor. Ho, I know you all want to know how you get paid. Very good question. You set you own prices for the classes that you teach. You can either charge for the class alone or add it in with the supplies your students will need for the class. This is your money. Here is the link: And please you guys. Let the rest of us know if you go to the site and if you decided to take the certification? My instructors kit is to arrive through the mail in about two weeks. I have also been working on some new products that I will be uploading with my next visit. So remember, "Keep Living the Crafting Life."©

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